
Self-published academic titles

A choice of self-published academic titles : Home Some sample academic titles  How to self publish  Grammar and style

A selection of self-published academic titles 

Academic writers are already turning to self publishing

In all fields, from scientific disciplines through social sciences and economics, to the arts and humanities, academics worldwide have begun to discover the advantages of self publishing. Sometimes the choice of self publishing is a choice between self-publishing and traditional publishing; but for many academic authors the choice is more radical than that; it is a choice between self publishing and not getting published at all, or self publishing and costly vanity publishing.
   Whatever the author's personal reasons for choosing self publishing, the results are the same: books and monographs that can be discovered by readers all over the world.  With specialist niche scientific publications, the choice of self publishing can also mean the difference between having a work that is published at a prohibitively expensive cover price by a major scientific publisher, or having it published for a small fraction of the price on a self-publishing platform.

Some sample titles that have helped pioneer self publication in academia - research and manuals

English grammar
 A Descriptive Grammar of English  published using the KDP platform for paperback and ebook, and Ingramspark for the hardcover, is with its clear grammar and style guides, a useful handbook for any academic writer. The American English version of this title, A New English Grammar, American edition, is published only on the IngramSpark platform.

The growth and collapse of one American nation  - the early republic 1790 - 1861  This second volume in the American Nation series focuses on the common bonds that brought the country together during the Early Republic, including the importance of liberty and equality.

Social history
From Townland to Township: The Irish Community in County Durham -  this book examines the historical evidence that made this township such an attractor for Irish immigrants and considers elements of the social make-up of the Irish community that settled there.

Educational neuroscience
Programming the Brain: Educational Neuroscience Perspective   Programming the Brain: Educational Neuroscience Perspective focuses on educational neuroscience and human development and is a must-read for anyone hoping to gain a deeper understanding of what helps individuals learn.

Random Rationality   Seemingly random in its width and breadth, Random Rationality tackles twenty issues from the five disciplines of Philosophy, Science, Politics, Economics, and Technology that when woven together paint a picture of the world today.

Modern monetary theory and its critics  Self published by an association of economists that leaves ownership of a book with the author, but takes on the initial preparation of the ebook and takes the royalties. Authors may republish independently after 5 months.

Process design for chemical engineers A book for chemical engineers interested in process design. It is author's hope that this book will help young graduates to learn the basics of process design, and will serve as a reference for experience process engineers.

Elementary Applied Topology  A brisk and engaging introduction to the mathematics behind the recently established field of Applied Topology.

Nicaragua, back from the dead?  A political science thesis published on KDP as an ebook and as a paperback, through the imprint of an academic network.

List your self-published academic title

In order to illustrate the range of academic titles now being self published by their authors or academic institutions,  is happy to list a selection of representative titles in the discipliary fields of arts and humanities, economic and social sciences, and  the sciences.  To submit a title for listing, please use the contact information indicated below.

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