How to prepare a book for self publication - simply
writing to publishing - ten easy stages
Please note that this guide relates to
the publication of
book format
(and by association in
format), using the most popular platforms,
which are
Kindle's KDP
and Ingram's
Spark platform.
It is not about "self publication" of academic research
on Internet document-sharing sites like Researchgate
Google Scholar.
How do you actually go about self publishing your own
book? Is it easy,
and what does it involve?
Answer: Whether it is an
academic book or a
general public book,
the process is the same, is basically fairly easy to follow, and can be
simply described in ten stages.
Though specifically concerning publication on Kindle's KDP
platform, much of the information on this page - notably stages 1 to 3
and stage
10 - also applies to publishing a paperback or e-book on
other platforms such as Lulu, IngramSpark, etc..
copyright. Anybody can publish their own original work as
as it does not contain significant extracts which have already been
published and copyrighted by another publisher. Copyright
restrictions may even cover extracts from an author's own
previously-published work, if the copyright belongs to the
publisher, which is often the case, particularly with academic
publishers. International copyright laws permit the quotation of
reasonable extracts from other works.
The fairly obvious first stage in the self-publishing process is to
write the book, using a standard word-processing programme,
such as MS Word or the free open-source suite LibreOffice
writer. With fiction, the whole book must be the writer's own
work. An exception exists for the republication of fiction that is in
the public domain, i.e. in most cases works whose author died over 70
years ago. Academics may wish to republish a work of fiction
(even of a work of non-fiction) that is no longer covered by copyright,
in a new annotated or critical edition. As long as the work is
effectively in the public domain, a new edition of a historic book is
perfectly legitimate.
With non-fiction, i.e. the bulk of academic writing, the
book must be the author's own original work.
Unless the platform you are using offers a
(KDP does for anyone, IngramSpark does for US residents only... but
check this out as things can change), you'll now need to order an ISBN
from the ISBN authority in your country of
. For instance an Indian national writing in Spanish but living in
Germany and publishing with IngramSpark in the USA, will need to order
an ISBN from the German authority. Depending on where you live, ISBNs
may take some time to come through, so this is the best point in your
publishing process at which to get the ISBN if you need one.
Note that e-books do not need to have an ISBN.
As for how to write, that is a different
question. See
Academic writing
style guide.
It is highly recommended that authors complete
stage 1 before moving on to stage 2
Most word-processing software formats text in the
standard page format used in the part of the world where the
user is located. This means A4 format throughout the world, except in
the United States and Canada, which still use the old LS (Letter)
format, which is slightly smaller. However neither A4 nor Letter are
standard formats for book publishing. Books are generally smaller, and
the most common paperback dimensions ( called trim size) are 6 inches
by 9 inches, which means 15.24 x 22.86 cm., or the slightly larger
6.14 x 9.21 inches (15.6 x 23.39 cm) commonly used for
non-fiction titles. For more voluminous works the recommended trim size
is 6.69 x 9.61 inches (16.99 x 24.41 cm). Other trim sizes,
including square formats, are available. For details on formats and
recommended margin sizes, see
Print options in KDP's
online help manual or on IngramSpark's information pages.
To prepare your document for self-publishing, open
new copy
of the text in your word processing programme, and
reformat it using
the page dimensions that you intend to use. With
LibreOffice Writer,
then choose
from the dropdown menu. Then select
User, and put in
the right dimensions for page size and margins. Experienced users may
wish to use different margin settings for the outside and inside pages;
otherwise keep things simple and choose the same margins for left and
right pages.
Take care to
include page numbers sufficiently far from the foot or top of the page
that they do not fall outside the printable zone once you upload your
pges for publishing. Any text, including page
that is outside the printable zone will generate an error when a book
is uploaded to the publishing platform, and publishing cannot continue
until the error is
Once your book has been correctly formatted in your word-processing
package, it must be thoroughly
reread, spell-checked, and carefully
scrutinised to avoid
and remove any errors. It is recommended to have any academic title
proof-read by at
least three people. Pay particular attention to spelling,
numbering, footnotes and - if you have an index - the accuracy of the
page references.
If you have correctly used the section and page
numbering functions of your word-processing package, then the page
numbers that appear in your word-processed document will not change.
Once you are satisfied that your book is flawless
(which is actually highly unlikely... typos have a nasty habit of
slipping past even the most careful of rereaders, and even do so in the
most reputed publishing houses), your book is ready to be published.
But before publishing it there is one highly recommended step to
complete, which is to
your book as a .pdf file. Both MS Word and LibreOffice
Writer allow documents to be saved as or exported as .pdf files.
Different PDF standards are available, so choose a format like
Archive PDF/A-1a (ISO 19005/1), which
meets ISO standards. Saving to .pdf is
very simple. It is important to note that this .pdf file must not
include either the front cover or the back cover of you book. These
will be uploaded or created separately.
STAGE 4 - OPEN a publisher account
To publish on KDP or on IngramSpark, you will first need to
open a publisher account.
For KDP the easiest way to do this is to
log in
to KDP using your Amazon
account (if you have one), and follow the instructions from there. You
will need to provide full and accurate personal details, including
details of how you want to be paid and how you want to pay for any
advertising you may do. You do not need to do any paid advertising, but
KDP will want your details so that they can charge your account if you
do. For IngramSpark the process is similar though you will not use your
Amazon credentials.
The first stage towards the actual publication of your book is to
upload the
details. These include the
language in which
you are publishing, names of
a brief
of the book (important!),
and the
in which you want your title to appear. Note that at this stage KDP
only allows you to set two categories. Once published, you can list a
book in up to 9 categories... but that is another story.
Here - with KDP - you will get a
ISBN if you want one, select the page format (called
trim size) that you
already converted your manuscript to in stage 2 above, then
choose the
and the
options (color throughout or b&w). Next you will upload the
.pdf version of
your book, which may take a while depending on your internet connection.
process is similar for IngramSpark, except that they only provide free
ISBNs for writers resident in the USA. Writers from other countries
will need to first purchase an ISBN from the national ISBN agency in
the country in which they live. Note that ISBNs are attached to the
country of a writer's residence, not to their nationality.
KDP and IngramSpark provide a free
creating tool
which will produce a cover that exactly fits your book's
dimensions. For most academic publications, a cover creator will
provide a
perfectly adequate cover, for which you can even upload your own cover
image. If you upload your own cover image, make sure that it is
sufficiently high resolution, and is also saved in the right
dimensions. For
anything more sophisticated, you will need to create your complete
cover to the right size specification. This single pdf file will
include front cover, spine, and back cover . both KDP and IngramSpark
provide information on how to do this, but KDP's tools are clearer and
easier to follow.
At the foot of the Book content upload page you will find the
preview tool. You
must preview your
book before continuing.... though you do not have to preview the whole
book. You just need to have opened the previewer and click accept.
However – specially if uploading a new book – it is highly recommended
to preview your whole book.
Note that your preview will show
page numbers that
do not necessarily match those that you see on pages in the preview
window. This is no problem. You may have begun your numbering from the
page after the inside title page, or the page after your introduction
or table of contents. These are the numbers that will show in your
printed book; however previews number pages in a single sequence
starting from the very first page of your book.
IngramSpark, you will need to download an e-proof which is a sort of
first proof. Once you have accepted this, you then submit your pook for
final approval, after which you will be sent an email with a proper
proof, including the cover. This may take a few days. Your title can be
published once you've approved this final proof.
after approving the preview, you will then reach the third and last
publishing screen, called
rights and pricing. Here you can fix your
cover price (sale
price) and
choose what territories you wish to make your book available in. For
most academic titles written in English, authors will select all the
global marketplaces offered by Amazon. By default, KDP will
fix the same selling price, converted into local currencies, for all
markets. You can however override this, and fix different prices in
different areas, though this is only useful if you want your book to
rounded prices,
such as 22.00 €uros rather then 22.17 €uros, for example.
Varying prices makes more sense if you also choose to publish
an e-book version of your title (start again from stage 5, having
selected publish an e-book rather than publish a paperback. For this
you will also need to download and use the free KindleCreate programme,
as e-books must be uploaded as .kpf files, not .pdf files). For
e-books, Amazon has
several more marketplaces, including countries like Brazil and India,
where you may want to sell your e-book at a lower price than in more
affluent western markets.
Note that Amazon offers Kindle KDP authors two selling
for the USA and the UK; the normal option, which provides the author
with royalties of 70% of the profit margin, and "
Extended distribution"
which provides authors with 35%. Extended distribution is essential if
you want your title to be distributed through bookshops, not just on
Amazon. However in order to gain any royalties on copies sold through
bookstores, it may be necessary to increase the cover price. The
advantage is then that the author gets royalties from books sold in
bookstores; the disadvantage is that the book becomes more expensive,
so may sell less well. On the other hand, the royalties on sales
through Amazon will increase if the book's price is increased. It is
not possible to fix two different cover prices for normal distribution
and extended distribution.(see below).
As regards bookstore sales,
is a better option than
KDP, since IngramSpark is primarily geared
to bookstore sales, so there is no such thing as "extended
distribution". All IngramSpark distribution is "extended" in Amazon
terms, meaning that cover prices can be lower. However it is
recommended that writers of academic books make their titles "non
returnable" in all markets if publishing with IngramSpark. This stops
bookstores ordering copies on spec, then, when nobody buys them,
sending them back to the publisher (which is standard practice in the
book trade). The cost of returning one book, or even of destroying it,
is the printing price, which is normally considerably greater than the
royalties paid... and this cost is passed on to the author. So if a
bookstore chain ordered 100 copies of a title (which is quite
possible), but then only sold 5.... it might return/destroy 95 of them
at a cost of, say, $4 per book for a 100-page book.
Once you have completed your pricing, click the button "
Publish your paperback book",
and there you are. Within 72 hours, and often much more quickly, your
KDP book will be published and available on Amazon in all the markets
you have indicated. That's it.
IngramSpark titles take a bit longer to reach amazon, but they get
there too.
You may now order
copies at cost price + postage, and have them sent to
yourself or to anyone else you want, such as reviewers, libraries,
influencers, etc. who will promote your book. If you buy
author copies for yourself, you may be able to get your local
bookshops, or even your university department, to sell them; this
depends on how friendly your local bookshop is, and whether they agree
to buy books directly from self-publishing authors, Some do, others
don't, so it's all a matter of where you are, and how your local
bookshop operates. If you are going to recommend your book to your
students, and have 100 students lined up for your course, then your
local university bookstore will probably be happy to buy copies off
you, if they can then sell them with a good markup. But at this stage
of the publication and distribution process there are no rules. It
depends on you and your local bookshop(s).
Important note - Libraries
- Library
purchases. Many
public libraries do not, or do not want to, buy books from Amazon; so
unless a book is available through the traditional channels used by
university and academic libraries worldwide, it may be de-facto
excluded from many or most public libraries. KDP offers a way round
this, which is to sign up to "extended
distribution" in the USA and the
UK, making the title available through many bookstores too, but this is
ideal. The big problem with
extended distribution is that Amazon still
wants their full share of commission on any item sold, so the author
needs to increase the price of any title sold through extended
distribution, or else receive little or no commission on
sales. Using Amazon's
extended distribution
may require a rise in the book price anyway, as
the minimum price that can be set for a book published by KDP is higher
if the book is going to be made available through extended
distribution, than it would otherwise be. It is not
possible to choose one cover price for extended distribution,
and one for normal distribution by Amazon, so by choosing extended distribution an
author may make a title much more expensive than it need be for
students or other Amazon customers.
The way round this is to
publish not with Kindle, but with IngramSpark...
or to use both.
IngramSpark differs from KDP insomuch as t text modifications
are only free for 60 days after publishing; but apart from
that, the publishing process is pretty similar. A book published with
IngramSpark will - they claim - be available to 40,000 retailers,
online stores, libraries, and universities worldwide. For academic self
publishing, this may be a major - if not vital - argument or
For authors formatting their own book (stages 3 and 4 above), the
process of preparing a book for publishing on IngramSpark is identical.
Don't be put off by talk of "cmyk color printing". A file formated in a
standard word processing program and saved as a modern PDF format, at
least PDF/a-1A (ISO 19005-1), will be accepted. This goes for cover
files and content files. This PDF option can be chosen in recent
versions of MS Word and LibreOffice Writer.
List your self-published academic title
In order to illustrate the range of academic titles now being self
published by their authors or academic institutions, is happy to list a
selection of
representative titles in the discipliary fields of arts and
economic and social sciences, and the sciences. To
submit a title for listing, please use the contact information
indicated below.
and texts © 2023
Contact admin at academic-self-publishing dot com
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